About Me

Thursday, September 12, 2013

From my Altar

Here is a little piece o my prayer table.  I light a candle to remind me of my prayers for my family and loved ones.  It also helps me focus on the light of Christ, which permeates the darkness in my life.  A candle is such a wonderful symbol of God's love.  I burns bright, warm and is long lasting.   It doesn't burn hot and fast like desire. It burns slowly and cleanly like devotion.  I love that.

I have lots of people on my prayer list. Today, God answered two of my prayers for people I love--I thank you my God, you amaze me.  Just for the world to know, that when I say I will pray for you, I really do pray for you. 

God's merciful blessings to all my readers.  May you feel his warmth and comfort in your days. Amen.