About Me

Monday, September 23, 2013

Participation is not what I normally do.

I don't normally participate in these things but, I figure I have just about nothing to lose at this point.
I hope I did this properly.  Check out Suscipio.

Thanking God for…
My children, food to eat, and safe place for retreat.

Looking out my window…
 I notice how quietly the wind blows through the leaves.

I am praying…
For Catholic Youth
For People who hate the Catholic Church
For People who are afraid to defend the Catholic Church

I am reading...
My Bible--There is always good advice in it.
The Oath by Frank Peretti 

I am creating…
I am working on my photography business.  So maybe that counts.  It is scary.

I’m learning…
I am learning that everything I do is scary and involves risk.

In the kitchen…
There is pumpkin pie in the kitchen and I caught my middle guy sneaking a piece before dinner.

Around the house…
 There is evidence of children.

I am looking forward to…
Fall and fall activities.  I am hoping to be invited to outdoorsy things during fall.

A favorite quote for today…
Peace be with you.

One of my favorite things…
I love Caldrea Soaps and detergents and candles and whatever they make! The fragrances are always very pleasing to me.


Beautiful isn't she?